Friday, October 5, 2012

Blog #3

The effects of the Federal Law IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act), are evident by the student’s individual accommodations established while in their homeroom class and by the opportunity for those learners to practice learning at their specific level in Resource.
I have witnessed early intervention and related services to students of each grade from kindergarten through sixth during my “in the classroom” service hours. The majority of the interventions I've observed occur during the students’ resource classroom participation. Although, adaptations for Section 504 plans fostered within the classes appear to transpire as increased exceptions or exemptions for those individuals. One prominent modification I have noticed for inclusion is the exercise and participation of peer-tutors. The peer-tutors’ level of maturity by leadership skills, composure and communication; captivatingly surprise me as I learn from them!
Without a doubt, there are so many tasks to manage all while teaching simultaneously! I find myself in my head often, reflecting on the many methods and by what means one can successfully accomplish these tasks. When identifying the answer to myself I find my reply is found in the word experiential (but not as in observation, more so by way of doing).

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